H-CAN Guidelines — Havertown-Area Community Action Network (H-CAN)

H-CAN's Stance on Candidate Endorsement

H-CAN does NOT endorse candidates for a number of reasons.  

  1. We are a diverse group and want to avoid internal division.  We can come together to support our mission and the efforts of our many action groups even when we disagree about candidates.  

  2. We believe H-CAN can be most useful by providing unbiased candidate info through our voter’s guide and candidate forums.  Equipping voters with factual information so they can make their own decisions is more our style than telling people who to vote for.  

  3. We want to work effectively with folks in elected office.  If we endorse candidates we risk losing their attention once they receive an endorsement.  We risk alienating officials we don’t endorse.  We hope to work with elected officials in any areas where we can find ideological alignment, even if we disagree in other areas. 

Guidelines for Elected Officials to Prevent Potential Conflict of Interests

  • Elected officials are welcome to be members of H-CAN. They may join the Facebook page, receive newsletters, and attend public events

  • Elected officials must disclose their status as an elected official directly to a member of H-CAN leadership when joining the group

  • Elected officials may join Action Groups, but participation may be limited at the discretion of Action Group leaders

  • Elected officials may request meetings with Action Groups leaders or members

  • Elected officials with a daily operational role may not hold a leadership role in H-CAN

  • Elected officials affiliation with H-CAN is not an endorsement by the group

  • Elected officials can add agenda items to Action Group meetings with the prior approval of the Action Group leader

  • These guidelines also apply to candidates for an elected office with a daily operational role

Guideline about H-CAN Activity

H-CAN promotes social justice, peaceful protests, in-person and written lobbying, and social activities to promote our progressive values. H-CAN does not participate in or condone any illegal activity.