H-CAN Racial Justice Action Group Presents Diversity and Inclusion Report to School Board — Havertown-Area Community Action Network (H-CAN)

H-CAN Racial Justice Action Group Presents Diversity and Inclusion Report to School Board

On Thursday, April 19, 2018, members of H-CAN's Racial Justice Action group spoke at the School District of Haverford Township board meeting to officially present the report to the board and the public. H-CAN members came out to the school board meeting in force to support.

The extensive 31-page report was created in response to two community meetings that H-CAN Racial Justice hosted in January.  At these meetings it became clear that at least 2 families in the past year have disenrolled their children from Haverford Middle School due to racist incidents in the school and community. Multiple other families indicated that they are also thinking of moving to a different district or enrolling their children in private schools due to racism and a lack of diversity in the teaching staff in Haverford schools. In researching this report, H-CAN Racial Justice discovered data from the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights which indicates systemic discrimination. The data shows that African-American students are underrepresented in the Gifted and Talented program and are much more likely to be suspended than their white peers. (see chart below)

District enrollment by race.
District enrollments and Out-of-School Suspensions by race.

The report also gives a breakdown of the changing demographics in Haverford Township, lists hate-based incidents that have recently taken place in our local schools and lists suggested actions to help combat hate in our community's schools. 

After reading the full report, the president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Main Line Branch, wrote a letter to Haverford Township Superindentent Dr. Maureen Reusche, asking that the school district "immediately respond so that ALL children attending the School District of Haverford Township will have an educationally rewarding experience preparing them for future pursuits of accomplishing goals upon graduation."

H-CAN Racial Justice is recommending that parents and concerned community members also write letters with their questions, concerns, and recommendations directly to school district officials.  

Principal Dan Horan - Middle School - dhoran@havsd.net
Principal Roe Viola - Manoa - rviola@haverfordsd.net
Principal Beth Mastrocola - Coopertown -  emastrocola@haverfordsd.net
Principal Jillian McGilvery - Lynnewood - jmcgilvery@haverfordsd.net  
Principal Joel DiBartolomeo - Chestnutwold - jdibartolomeo@haverfordsd.net
Principal Sara Christianson - Chatham Park - schristianson@havsd.net
Dr. Maureen Reusche - Superintendent - mreusche@haverfordsd.net
School Board - havschbd@haverfordsd.net
Principal Peter Donaghy - High School - pdonaghy@havsd.net