H-CAN February Monthly Event on Income Inequality and You — Havertown-Area Community Action Network (H-CAN)

H-CAN February Monthly Event on Income Inequality and You

Do you suspect the economy has gotten worse for the middle class in the past 30-40 years? You are totally correct! But this matter is bigger than boring economic data and graphs; it's about our lived experiences these past 40 years.

On February 10, 2019 at H-CAN Monthly meeting at Haverford Township Library, attendees took part in an informative with an open discussion and an action related to lobbying for Medicare for All (#M4A) - Rep Jayapal's bill HR 676.

Attendees at the H-CAN monthly meeting listening to a talk on Income Inequality and You.

Attendees at the H-CAN monthly meeting listening to a talk on Income Inequality and You.

Wanted to attend but couldn't? Download the “Income Inequality and You” slide presentation.

If you’d like to help support the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Bill discussed at the meeting, please call your House member and tell them to become an early cosponsor of Representative Jayapal’s Expanded & Improved Medicare for All 2019 bill. The 2019 bill will cover everyone with no co-pays and includes dental, vision and hearing.

Fitzpatrick, Brian: (202) 225-4276
Boyle, Brendan: (202) 225-6111
Evans, Dwight: (202) 225-4001
Dean, Madeleine: (202) 225-4731
Scanlon, Mary Gay: (202) 225-2011
Houlahan, Chrissy: (202) 225-4315
Wild, Susan: (202) 225-6411
Cartwright, Matt: (202) 225-5546
Norcross, Donald: (202) 225-6501
Blunt Rochester, Lisa: (202) 225-4165

Thank you.