Race and Education - Separate and Unequal Event on April 24th — Havertown-Area Community Action Network (H-CAN)

Race and Education - Separate and Unequal Event on April 24th

Racial Justice is partnering with the Havertown YMCA to host a 4 part speaker series on race. Anita Friday, Founder of Open Hearts a Path to Racial Healing, kicked off the speaker series on February 27th to a packed room.

On March 27th, Denzell Stanislaus, from Villanova, facilitated a workshop on Talking to your Kids (or Students) about Race. For more on this important topic, download the article.

Join us on the last Wednesday of the month from 7:15-9:00 as we wrap up the series.

April 24th will feature speakers from POWER and local schools on the racial disparity in education funding, as well as the opportunity gap between white students and students of color within local suburban schools. This informative talk will also feature actions and strategies for how we can overcome these inequities.

Haverford Area YMCA
891 North Eagle Road
Havertown, PA 19083

Register now to RSVP and reserve your spot!

On May 29th we will explore the topic of How to Be a Better Ally. More details and RSVP link coming soon!
